While picking out gift ideas can be fun, your wedding registry also requires a lot of time, thought, and planning alongside your partner. You can get creative with the items you include, but it’s also important to keep a few important details in mind when creating your final list. Here are a few key dos and don’t to keep in mind when building your wedding registry.

Register early. You’ll want to give your guests as much time as possible to browse through your registry and do their shopping. We recommend having your wedding registry ready at least six months before your special day, or before any wedding activities begin such as your bridal shower.
Include a variety of items and price points. It’s important to give your guests plenty of options when purchasing off the registry, as well as items that can fit within their budget. It’s okay to include a few high ticket items as well, as some people may pair up and make a larger purchase as a group for one of your more expensive items.
Plan your wedding registry with your partner. Take inventory of all the items and products you currently own and think of gifts you can use as a couple. Brainstorm what you might use for years to come, including special occasions or seasonal items as well.
Know who sent you which gift. This will help you avoid the stress of trying to remember who sent what after the wedding. We recommend keeping a list of each gift as it arrives for easy organization, or you can also have a trusted friend keep a list as well.

Ask for cash in your wedding registry. Even if you would prefer money in place of gifts, this is generally frowned upon when creating your registry. However, there are other ways for guests to contribute such as Honeyfund that allows your friends and family to contribute to your honeymoon fund or other couples adventures.
Include your wedding registry in your wedding invitations, as it’s not considered proper wedding etiquette. The best way to let your friends and family know about your registry is by including it on your wedding website. This allows them to see all of the information in one place with easy links for purchasing as well.
Forget to update your registry frequently. This helps ensure you don’t end up with duplicate items and allows you to add any new products you come across as well. You can also set up your wedding registry to alert you every time an item from your list is purchased, so you can keep track with ease.
Procrastinate writing thank you notes. The general rule of thumb is to send your thank you cards after returning from your honeymoon. If you’d like to get an early start, you can start drafting them before the wedding, and add more personalization after your wedding day.
Still need to send out invitations to your guests? Check out our guide on when to send wedding invitations for your special day!