Wedding traditions infuse ceremonies with depth and history, enriching the occasion with cultural and personal significance. Across the globe, couples incorporate unique customs that reflect their heritage and aspirations for their union. Learn about five fascinating wedding traditions that embody the spirit of traditional weddings while adding a distinctive twist to the celebrations.
1. The Handfasting Ceremony

Originating from ancient Celtic customs, the handfasting ceremony involves tying the hands of the bride and groom together with a ribbon or cord to symbolize their union. This visually striking tradition represents the binding together of two lives and is often personalized with cords of different colors, each representing a specific aspect of the couple’s relationship or desires for their future.
2. The Money Dance

A joyful tradition found in many cultures, including Polish, Greek, and Filipino weddings, the money dance involves guests pinning money onto the bride and groom’s attire. This practice not only helps to financially support the newlyweds as they begin their journey together but also brings luck and prosperity. The dance floor becomes a place of communal celebration and generosity.
3. The Sand Ceremony

Perfect for beach weddings or those who want to incorporate a visual symbol of their unity, the sand ceremony sees the couple each pour a different colored sand into a single vessel, creating a layered and inseparable blend. This tradition is especially poignant for blended families, symbolizing the unbreakable new bonds being formed.
4. Crowning the Couple

In Eastern Orthodox wedding ceremonies, crowns are placed on the heads of the bride and groom to signify their role as the king and queen of their newly created family kingdom. This regal tradition emphasizes the responsibility and dignity of marital union and is accompanied by blessings and prayers.
5. The Loving Cup

A tradition from medieval England that’s seeing a resurgence in modern weddings, the loving cup involves the bride and groom sharing a drink from a large, ornately decorated cup. It’s a symbol of their shared life and the togetherness they will maintain through all trials and celebrations.

Wedding traditions offer a bridge between the past and the future, creating moments that resonate with deep meaning. Whether you’re inspired by the binding symbolism of handfasting or the festive spirit of the money dance, integrating these customs can add a unique and memorable element to your traditional wedding ceremony.
For more wedding planning inspiration, be sure to check out The Wedding Shoppe’s Pinterest Page! It’s full of wedding dress and accessory ideas as well as wedding décor and themes.